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10 Email Marketing Mistakes That You Should Not Overlook

|  2 years ago |   1033 views

Email marketing is the pivotal part of digital marketing and if you aren’t able to execute it properly, chances are there that you will finish last. THE average ROI of email is right now 3.800%, which is quite satisfactory.

If you are looking like a businessman’s perspective. In the upcoming days, it is expected that there would be a surge of emails and more rigorous competition will be there. On that note, you cannot afford to go wrong.

As the competition is getting higher day by day, it is not that easy to get success in a stipulated time. For that, you need to put effective email marketing strategies without doing any mistakes. The problem is how to find those mistakes? You don’t need to worry, in this article we have a detailed discussion about the email marketing mistakes that you need to know at its earliest.

An outdated mailing list will not work anymore

Different mail providers set requirements for the mailing list quality. Besides, there are also limits on numbers for the mail reply and the complaints. Over time, there are overflowing mailboxes with dozen of emails. In turn, mail limits and newsletter gets blocked, which is not a good sign for your business.

No clear call to action

You have written a clear and concise copy for your business, but there is no call to action that would lead that a worthless copy of the business. According to the rule of thumb, a business copy should have a call to action that will increase the number of leads, and the engagement as well.

Sending abrupt and useless emails                                                                                

First and foremost, you should about the target audience and their pain points. Based on that, you can organize your mail list. Here most of the people do the mistake, they create the newsletter and overstate about their product/service in that. People find it useless (until they need it) and the bounce rate against your newsletter rises gradually.

Ignoring mailing frequency and campaign consistency

Consistency and frequency are the two key factors that you are counting in; as a result, you are getting the desired result against your email campaign. You are not considering the factors that include the nature of your business and customer expectations, which need to be considered as the primary factors.

Wrong segmentation

If you are not getting the desired result, then you are not segmenting your email properly. Research shows that segmented emails get more response rather than the normal one. If you are avoiding the segmentation of your mail list, then the result you can see in your own eyes, there will be more bounce rate and people will unsubscribe your newsletter.

Using too many sales-oriented language

You are running an email campaign with too much sales-heavy language, what will be the result? Most of the users will not understand and they will not read your mail from the next time. Using conversational language is a better choice rather than making it too much self-gogic.

Ignoring the pre-headers

We all know that an email contains a subject list, and a pre-header generally is seen after the subject line of the email. If you are ignoring it, you are missing the chance to grab the subscriber’s attention.

Sending the mail to the wrong person or persons

Without knowing your target audience if you are sending your mails randomly, will turn more bounce rate rather than getting solid traffic. Besides, in the time of tracking, you should track your campaigning efforts with the aid of several tools.

Ignoring the mobile-friendly approach

 Mobile is the dominant device since the last decade. On that note, if you are not optimizing your mail list for mobile users, you are doing great. If a subscriber is reading non-optimized and non-responsive emails, then it will be a bigger turn off for you.

More than one CTAs

If you are baffling your reader with multiple CTAs like go to the website, subscribe, leave your feedback will not work. Your user will get puzzled, which will end up losing subscribers.

Final words

When it comes to your business reputation and engagement, you don’t want to continue with your persisting mistakes. You have to detect it and rectify it as soon as possible. It can be assumed that from this article, you will no longer doing the same mistake in the time of sending your emails. Make sure that you are combating with these mistakes and getting the best output over time.  

Looking for more tips and tricks to supercharge your digital marketing campaigns? Check out our helpful guides, then get in touch with us to discover what the right digital marketing company can do for your small business marketing.



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